Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pickin' Pigskin with Kristin: Week 7

Every week, as an accessory to the picks Bob and I do, his wife Kristin also picks games. So far this year, she has been in first place overall more weeks than Bob and I, so she's doing quite well. Our picks will be up at 7 p.m. tonight.

San Diego over KANSAS CITY (5.5)

Kristin: San Diego

You can barely beat Washington and you expect to come within 5.5 on San Diego? Not that San Diego is amazing or anything, but let's be serious.

Indy over ST. LOUIS (13.5)

Kristin: Indy

I think Indy will be nicely rested after their bye week last week and able to score big. Further, I bet St. Louis is still tired after expending all that energy actually scoring a few points - something they are clearly not used to doing.

CINCY over Chicago (1.5)

Kristin: Cincy

I think this is an interesting match-up- pitting two mid-level teams that blew games they really should have won last week against each other. I will take Cincy only because I think they are the more fun of the two teams to watch.

Green Bay over CLEVELAND (7.5)

Kristin: Green Bay

I don't see this being close. Poor Browns.

PITTSBURGH over Minnesota (4)

Kristin: Minnesota

I'm going to put my faith in the Vikings and hope that they can hold their own and play out a tough, full game like last week. Also, I am angry with Pittsburgh for not beating the spread last week because they got lazy and bored. As much as I hate to admit it, Favre isn't done yet, and he has played well in big games.

New England over Tampa Bay (14.5, in London)

Kristin: New England

OMG! Last week's game was amazing! Now, I would like to take some time to gloat and quote myself from last week. I predicted perfection and domination, but even I did not think I would be so right. Tom Brady the god/hero descended on a snow cloud and proved that the bitch is back. Knee what?!

Now, my only hesitation in this game is the jet-lag. I keep thinking about the Red Sox 2008 Japan trip being blamed for all the team's aliments for the season, and their lackluster showing abroad. It's one thing to play this game in the states and another in London, either way - GO PATS!

HOUSTON over San Fran (3)

Kristin: Houston

Grumble! I hate how inconsistent both Houston and San Fran have been this season. I'm taking Houston only because they are at home.

Jets over OAKLAND (6)

Kristin: Oakland

The announcers were saying last week that they weren't sure if the Jets even wanted to win. If the spunk and spirit has gone out of the Jets, maybe the put-on-a-whooping-out-of-nowhere Raiders can further their humiliation and downfall. Go wishful thinking go!

CAROLINA over Buffalo (7)

Kristin: Buffalo

Not that I think Buffalo is much better, but I have zero faith in Carolina.

New Orleans over MIAMI (6.5)

Kristin: New Orleans

Go Saints! Super happy to see the Giants smashed last week! I find the Saints exciting and refreshing and delightfully not from New York or Pittsburgh. Sorry, Miami, I still have a soft spot for you but this is not your week.

DALLAS over Atlanta (4)

Kristin: Atlanta

I see Dallas putting that beautiful new stadium to waste. If I can't honestly root for the Skins I can at least root against Dallas.

GIANTS over Arizona (7)

Kristin: Giants

Boooooo hisss. Giants suck!

Philadelphia over WASHINGTON (7)

Kristin: Washington

Now I know my Washington picks have become a joke, but I'm almost serious with this one. Philly was made to look stupid last week, maybe it can happen again. I really love their crazy / exciting / young / unbroken / no baggage back-up QB. Why is he not starting?

If Philly isn't going to use him, can the Redskins have him? They need something new and fresh in that dead locker room - so much stale air and bad blood you would think they were a vampire high school soap opera (love you Vampire Diaries) to match their high school blocking and tackling skills.

Vampire Diaries photo taken from here. The "Tom Brady is God" image comes from this humorous blog. The Saints mug can be purchased here.

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