Saturday, January 9, 2010

More weird Rhode Island news - Dog in sweater delays commute

You can tell the difference between Florida and Rhode Island news easily. In Rhode Island, people don't get killed or arrested for ridiculous things; there is more oversight and apathy. For example, citing the lion story I linked to the other day, if that happened in Florida it would have gotten loose from its trailer park by the swamp and eat 20 people before being shot to death. And, not shot to death by a cop, but by a neighbor or loved one.

As a contrast, Rhode Island just has more silly stuff, like a dog dressed in a sweater tying up traffic. Awww - That's just cute. I mean, I would have gotten a bit pissed if I was driving and in a hurry to get somewhere, but still, better a puppy than an accident dealing traffic.

It reminds me that over the summer, I had a similar run-in with a dog. I was driving home around 3 p.m. and saw a scraggy-looking black dog (not Led Zeppelin) on Route 1, which is a four-lane, somewhat-major highway in Southern Rhode Island. I called police about it, because I didn't want the poor guy to get hit, but I couldn't stop because I was running really late for work.

The puppy photo is from Overstock, here.

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