Thursday, April 1, 2010

At The Commercials: PS3, HP guys delight; FFXIII lame

"I'm not even ALLOWED in Mexico."

I've spoken about how much I love Kevin Butler and his work for the Playstation 3 commercials in the past, but hey, if he keeps hitting them out of the park – somewhat literally, as in this commercial above – I have to keep rewarding him. It is amazing how funny yet effective he is as a pitchman for a product, considering that he only has 30 seconds to work with.

On the flip side of video game commercials would be the one for Final Fantasy XIII, which somehow sucks even though it just shows cut scenes and gameplay action. While this is all well and good, I really question the song selection – ick. I didn't watch this commercial until the third time I “heard” it, because I sort of assumed it was a commercial for a Miley Cyrus or schmaltzy pop music CD. Just bad times all-around again.

But to close things out on a good note, the snarky British guy (actually, Aussie Rhys Darby from Flight of the Conchords!) from the Hewlett-Packard commercials is as snazzy as Kevin Butler. While his spot during the NCAA tournament is a bit overplayed, I still enjoy it immensely. “I clearly pushed the buttons. You're rambling on about catching taxis...” Also, plus-five for any guy with facial hair resembling my own.

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