Thursday, April 15, 2010

TV Review: I love you, Phil Dunphy.

Everybody dies boys, let's focus on what's important!

This was a strong episode of Modern Family, especially for Phil. That sly old fox had some great lines sprinkled throughout, such as the one above I used for the photo cutline. The other great line he had? "One day I'm going to be a grandfather, and then everybody better hide their meat."

Anyway, his drama with his father-in-law Jay felt a little rehashed, since Jay basically has authority problems with every character on the show. The episode's other plot lines were pretty amusing, although a bit more bittersweet than usual, with Cameron realizing he hates being away from Lilly, and Alex and Manny pulling away from their respective parents. And while I love the middle daughter's character, it was pretty funny to have Claire get vicious, mom-like revenge on her at the end.

So yeah. I have no real idea why Modern Family took two episodes off; maybe it had something to do with them filming the season's final episode(s?) in Hawaii. Regardless, they didn't miss a beat in their two episodes off TV. It's still mandatory watching if you're any sort of fan of Arrested Development-style humor.

Grade: A


  1. hahaha I laughed so hard at the end when her mom embarassed her.
    "hey hon, while you're shopping go get yourself a training bra. You don't need it now but pretty soon your boobies will start popping out! love you, kitten! ...that'll teach her to screw with me again."

  2. haha, Yeah, the mom is awesome :) ... and wicked foxy. You can definitely see how the kids take after the parents though, with the two girls splitting up the mom's evil and fashionista traits, and Luke basically being a goofy, kid version of Phil.


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