Thursday, June 2, 2016

YPB: Vidya Game News – June 2, 2016

- It’s been on a bunch of different sites, but I believe Julian Horsey of Geeky Gadgets first reported about a coffee table, non-digital version of Pong. Read about it here!

- FiveThirtyEight has an entire piece on Your Parents Basement! Unfortunately though, it’s not about, well, this show.

- This week on Cinemassacre’s popular Mike and Bootsy segment: Win, Lose or Draw for the NES! Yikes. Check out the video here.

- There are now action figures based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game.

- Vans and Nintendo now have a partnership, if you’d like some 8-bit themed kicks! Read more from Engadget’s Edgar Alvarez.

- Worlds colliding! Artist Adam Lister does 8-bit watercolor paintings of popular movies. Check them out on Creative Boom.

- Huell favorite Quest 64 came out for the Nintendo 64 on June 1, 1998. While the Imagineer-developed game isn’t all that good, gamers were so starved for content for the N64 that it still was a moderate financial success.

Video game history information comes from GameFAQs and Moby Games. And as always, if you’d like to support the show, do so via our Amazon link.

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