Sunday, April 25, 2010

At The Commercials: Busty Lane Bryant model booted off TV

Apparently, some plus-sized models can't go no love. According to articles around the web, a couple networks are refusing to air or significantly editing commercials for Lane Bryant before airing them. This to me seems stupid for several reasons.

First, the model in question is pretty easy on the eyes. Yes, size 16 isn't always connotated with beauty, but it sure looks fine when the person in question is about six-feet-tall and with a D-cup. If that's the case, then hey, things are cool.

Second, did the networks not realize this would cause a bit of a backlash? And, this is just a hunch, but I imagine that quite a few plus-sized women are regular viewers of Dancing With The Stars and American Idol, and thus, might take offense with the networks stance.

Finally, the networks have no standards when it comes to commercials when it comes to just flat out grossness, which is far more revolting to me. For example, why am I subjected to this commercial about Planters cashews? How come the Sienna parents still exist? Why are pigs eating ham in restaurants?

The picture of Ashley is from this unrelated MSNBC article.

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