Monday, November 9, 2009

At The Commercials: The same girl is at it again!

I realize I've been embedding a lot of videos lately, but hey, they've been catching my eye. I'm not going to apologize for it, so really, just deal with it! ... you bashtids.

Anyway. In the past, I complained about one woman who was in two different commercials for two different companies. And now, if you checked out the above video, you'd note that she is in a THIRD video!

What gives, casting directors??? Don't you watch other commercials? I know this lady's name isn't Scarlett Sire, because that is a horrible name for a lady with her own personal business. And why does she have problems finding a decent guy in all of her commercials? I mean, she's not rough on the eyes, so what is the deal???

I'm now slightly fascinated with this woman, and kind of wish I knew her name so that I could IMDB her. There is a chance she's been in 50 commercials - it wouldn't surprise me at this point. Is she in movies and television shows too, and I've just never noticed, like with the gorgeous Abigail Spencer? I must know!

p.s. The commercial itself is pretty hilarious. The PS3 guy is in a series of them, and they're all pretty witty and funny.

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